Bio tahini


This bio tahini is the perfect way to receive all the nutritional ingredients of sesame and helps the body to function at its best.

Its unique combination of proteins, aminoacids, vitamins and trace elements, provides the body with power and energy.

It prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, contributes in the conversion of fat to energy and maintains the good function of the liver and the nervous and digestive systems.


The HAITOGLOU BROS SA food industry was founded in 1924 in Thessaloniki , Greece , by a family of refugees bearing the same name. Initially, the company was a small family business in the center of the city.

Today, after over eighty years in existence, the company headquarters are located in the Kalohori area of Thessaloniki . The company’s facilities extend over 170,000 square meters , of which 67,000 thousand comprise covered structures, and it produces traditional Greek products, perfectly integrated in the Mediterranean Diet.